Some pets are water babies, while some of them detest the idea of bathing. If you have difficulty getting your pet to bathe then you are at the right place. Here are some tips to help you get through shower day with your pets.

- Ease your pet in the whole process by being calm and making them feel comfortable.
- Brush out the hair of your pet before a bath.
- Remember to trim their nails.
- Make sure you have all the bath supplies you need ready.
- Always choose the right shampoo and conditioner, depending on your pet’s coat.
- Set the water to the right temperature. Do not use too cold or hot water for bathing your pet.
- Lather your dog completely with shampoo.
- Avoid applying shampoo near their ears and eyes.
- Ensure your pet feels rewarded by the end of the bath. Make it a routine to give them a treat after a bath as a reward for cooperating.
- Towel dry your pet or use a hair dryer in a medium-to-cool setting.

We hope some of these tips help you with bathing your pooches and kitties making it a better bonding experience.

Thank you for reading!